Pin-Up Style Senior Shoot!

This shoot was one of the funnest I’ve done yet. My favorite shoots are always when we can get super girly and have a great time. For Savannah’s senior pictures, she wanted a pin-up style theme. Of course we didn’t want to get too grown up, so we kept it at an age-appropriate level. Her mother loved them! Here are a few of my favorite shots…

The black and white dress is hers, and we added the red flower for an extra glam effect. Adorable! Next we changed her into a leather mini-skirt with a mustard yellow frill top. Get this: The skirt is from Forever 21 and was a steal at $10.90, and the shirt I found at Goodwill for a mere $3.99. Pretty sweet!

I love her expression in the picture below. So cute!

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Filed under photography, Pin-up, Senior Sessions

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